Tidal doesn't respond to MIDI eventhough OSC messages are sent

Hey, having trouble with controlling tidal by midi.
Maybe you have some idea to try?

  1. I've followed the directions in MIDI | Tidal Cycles
  2. I can verify with wireshark that the 6010 port receives correct osc messages (/ctrl ,sf 80 0,54612)
  3. The BootTidal.hs has:
tidal <- startTidal (superdirtTarget {oLatency = 0.1, oAddress = "", oPort = 57120}) (defaultConfig {cVerbose = True, cFrameTimespan = 1/20})
  1. I run:
d1 $ jux' [id,rev,(# speed 2)] $ every 2 ("<0.25 0.125 0.5>" <~) $ sound "bd*2 [[~ lt] sn:3] lt:1 [ht mt*2]"
  # squiz "<1 2.5 2>"
  # distort (cF 0 "80")
  # squiz (cF 0 "80")
  # shape (cF 0 "80")
  1. But moving the controller and sending the above OSC signal doesn't influence the sound

What could be wrong? The boot file is correct, right? because by default tidal listens on 6010 for OSC

I've traced this down to vscode extension (which i may just use improperly, will update). Copying from discord:


So in sclang I call:

var on, off, cc;
var osc;
osc = NetAddr.new("", 6010);


cc = MIDIFunc.cc({ |val, num, chan, src|
    osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", num.asString, val/127);

and i can verify that indeed osc messages are being sent to port 6010, where I expect tidal to listen. My boottidal.hs doesn't overwrite the defaults, so based on docs it should listen for these messages. How I test that it works (doesn't) is by playing some sound modulated by cf 0 "<osc message string>" . It doesn't change with incoming messages (it stays on the default 0 value, if i change the default to i.e. 0.5 the sound does change)


I've disabled firewall and didn't help


Have just noted a log from ghci BootTidal.hs : it says:

Listening for external controls on

so indeed tidal listens


I found sth: so the full tidal logs actually show sth:

GHCi, version 9.4.8: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
[TidalCycles version 1.9.4]
Installed in /nix/store/dqy1y08zc9sr3nkyhmpy8js3zn7dqylq-tidal-1.9.4-data/share/ghc-9.4.8/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.4.8/tidal-1.9.4
Listening for external controls on
Connected to SuperDirt.
Loaded GHCi configuration from /nix/store/zlxa2pk4kizcwp81a61c7vk5zrvmbx1c-source/BootTidal.hs
tidal> tidal> [TidalCycles version 1.9.4]
Installed in /nix/store/dqy1y08zc9sr3nkyhmpy8js3zn7dqylq-tidal-1.9.4-data/share/ghc-9.4.8/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.4.8/tidal-1.9.4
Listening for external controls on
That port isn't available, perhaps another Tidal instance is already listening on that port?
Warning: GHCi | Can't handshake with SuperCollider without control port.
tidal> tidal> 

This is the output as witnessed in vscode from the tidalcycles extension. It looks like the ghci command is run twice, because the output is sort of doubled and the second time it says "That port isn't available, perhaps another Tidal instance is already listening on that port?" Why twice? I assumed it's a problem with the extension and run tidal (ghci BootTidal.hs ) directly from shell. Success! If I do that, then inside that ghci shell I receive the midi signal correctly.

Summarizing: The midi setup, directly mirrored from the docs, works for me. I need to debug the vscode extension.