TidalCycles Meetup #01 Feb 27th/28th

The TidalCycles meetup on Feb 27th/28th is happening in two sessions spaced 12 hours apart:

Session A: 2021-02-27T18:00:00Z
Session B: 2021-02-28T06:00:00Z

(above dates+times should show in your own timezone)

Our speakers are Alex McLean, Alexandra Cardenas, and Will Rinkoff (c_robo_).

Talks will be followed by an extended show-and-tell session for sharing your works (like music or code) with the TidalCycles community.

Please share this Facebook event and invite your friends :grinning::

If you want to attend and haven't signed up yet, please do so here: https://forms.gle/yNeFmTNnd4UGaEQ97

If you signed up for the previous date (Feb 13th), you don't need to sign up again.



Just putting the autoformatted dates in
Session A: 2021-02-27T18:00:00Z
Session B: 2021-02-28T06:00:00Z

(it's in the text input tools, 2nd from right)


Bump! it's this weekend :smiley:

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TidalCycles meetup session A is in 5 minutes!
Meeting URL : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8421575338?pwd=ejIrdUJoOWVZcGRKWWNKckV5OHkyZz09

You may also join the zoom meeting with a meeting ID and password.
Meeting ID: 842 157 5338
Meeting password: hush

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Session B just started! To join, please use the links above provided by @cleary.