I know that some of you are already making use of some Elektron machines in their sets and music. I'm still in the process of discovering my Digitakt and thought about opening a topic to gather some tips about their usage and inclusion in a live-coding setup.
To start the discussion with something, here is a "mostly" complete mapping of the Digitakt:
let parameter pat value = ccn (inhabit [
-- trig parameters
("mute", 94), ("track-level", 95),
("note", 3), ("velocity", 4),
("length", 5), ("filter-trig", 13),
("LFO-trig", 14),
-- source parameters
("tune", 16), ("play-mode", 17),
("bit-reduction", 18), ("sample-slot", 19),
("start", 20), ("length", 21),
("loop-position", 22), ("sample-level", 23),
-- filter parameters
("filter-freq", 74), ("resonance", 75),
("filter-type", 76), ("filter-attack", 70),
("filter-decay", 71), ("filter-sustain)", 72),
("filter-release)", 73), ("filter-env-depth", 77),
("filter-env-delay", 86), ("filter-base", 84),
("filter-width", 85),
-- amp parameters
("attack", 78), ("hold", 79),
("decay", 80), ("overdrive", 81),
("delay", 82), ("reverb", 83),
("pan", 10), ("volume", 7),
-- lfo 1 parameters
("lfo-speed", 102), ("lfo-multiplier", 103),
("lfo-fade", 104), ("lfo-destination", 105),
("lfo-waveform", 106), ("lfo-start-phase", 107),
("lfo-trig-mode", 108), ("lfo-depth", 109),
-- lfo 2 parameters
("lfo2-speed", 112), ("lfo2-multiplier", 113),
("lfo2-fade", 114), ("lfo2-destination", 115),
("lfo2-waveform", 116), ("lfo2-start-phase", 117),
("lfo2-trig-mode", 118), ("lfo2-depth", 119),
-- fx parameters (delay)
("delay-time", 85), ("pingpong", 86),
("delay-stereo-width", 87), ("delay-feedback", 88),
("delay-highpass-filter", 89), ("delay-lowpass-filter)", 90),
("delay-reverb)", 91), ("delay-mix", 92),
-- fx parameters (reverb)
("reverb-predelay", 24), ("reverb-decay", 25),
("reverb-shelving-freq", 26), ("reverb-shelving-gain", 27),
("reverb-highpass-filter", 28), ("reverb-lowpass-filter", 29),
("reverb-comp", 30), ("reverb-mix", 31),
-- fx parameters (compressor)
("comp-threshold", 111), ("comp-attack", 112),
("comp-releas", 113), ("comp-makeup", 114),
("comp-volume", 119), ("comp-ratio", 115),
("comp-sidechain-source", 116), ("comp-sidechain-filter", 117),
("comp-mix", 118)] pat) # ccv value
-- demo pattern
$ fast 4
$ cat [n "0(2,4)", n "0(3,4)"]
# s "digitakt" # midichan 0
# stack [parameter "sample-slot" (irand 40),
parameter "tune" (irand 127),
parameter "reverb" 127,
parameter "filter-freq" (irand 120)]
I'm having fun switching between different patterns and sculpting kits this way. Each pattern using its own sounds or a variation of the previous kit/pattern. Tidal for sequencing purposes only.
EDIT: actually, the MIDI implementation is much more complex than I thought at first. There are some MIDI CC MSB/LSB details to take into consideration to do a proper mapping of the Digi- family and I suppose that it is the same for all the Elektron machines.