W10 - Cannot update TidalCycles

I struck the problem of getting past the 1.4.3 version of TidalCycles and searched through the forum in look for an answer. Now, for most people, these instructions did it:

rm -rf ~/.ghc ~/.cabal
. ~/.ghcup/env
cabal update
cabal install tidal --lib

But it doesn't for me :frowning: I can locate the .ghc folder at User directory, but .cabal and .ghcup are nowhere to be found. I have also tried v1 / v2-update and v2-install instructions. No luck either.

1.4.3 does work fine. I used the installer found in the webpage, and I run these instructions from C:/ (home dir, I understand?). I'm not sure where to look manually for those folders, in case it's just a matter of deleting them.

Any help? Many thanks in advance <3

Hey - I'm on windows 10 and usually just run

cabal update

and then

cabal install tidal

from my home directory (no need to navigate to the folder).

Can you let me know what happens when you do that?

Thank you for replying!
This happens:

PS C:\ cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
To revert to previous state run:
cabal v2-update 'hackage.haskell.org,2020-06-27T13:55:55Z'

PS C:> cabal install tidal
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
Warning: You asked to install executables, but there are no executables in
target: tidal. Perhaps you want to use --lib to install libraries instead.

Adding --lib it just says "up to date".

Then I go to Atom > tidal_version > 1.4.3

Hmmm try

cabal install tidal-1.6.1

It still says up to date, but Atom insists:

t> "1.4.3"

Maybe there are two packages installed? Or maybe Atom needs to know to look at the new one?

Hi @olsyx, I ran into the same kind of install problems on Mac OSX, here are the succession of commands I had to do to solve it :

Tried it then and now, same result :confused:

PS C:> cabal v2-update
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
To revert to previous state run:
cabal v2-update 'hackage.haskell.org,2020-06-29T17:05:53Z'
PS C:> cabal v2-install tidal
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
Warning: You asked to install executables, but there are no executables in
target: tidal. Perhaps you want to use --lib to install libraries instead.
PS C:> rm C:\Users\usuario.ghc\x86_64-mingw32-8.10.1\environments\default

Then I init SuperCollider, and then Atom > Boot TidalCycles
tidal_version t> "1.4.3"

I've noticed in the boot that it says

Load BootTidal.hs from C:\Users\usuario\AppData\Roaming\cabal\x86_64-windows-ghc-8.10.1\tidal-1.4.3\BootTidal.hs

So I went to that location, and there are two tidal folders:


I added to both their names the prefix "old-" and ran the last command again, and it still says up to date. There is something wrong here.

Ok, so it looks like you have two locations where cabal is putting tidal.... (since the old version is the one in this folder, but cabal thinks it has the new one too...)

If you can find where it's installing the new version (maybe try a general search in C for 1.6.1) you can direct Atom to the BootTidal.hs file in that location by adding the path to the Boot Tidal Path setting in the tidal package in Atom.

Or you could maybe try reinstalling the Haskell Platform and starting again - the instructions tell you how to clear your old cabal config.

So in the end I got it to work. I'm not sure how. I did:

cabal user-config init -f
cabal update
cabal install tidal

Then I noticed it raised a warning that it could not install network package (which 1.6.1 needs) and that I needed a shell with Unix compatibility. So I installed cygwin.

I repeated the process, still no luck (though it did install something), so I tried

cabal install tidal
cabal v2-install tidal
cabal v1-install tidal

The third one finally worked. I have three BootTidal.hs in my PC but none work, only the default path. For me, it seems to be v1.

I hope this sheds some light for others with the same problem.

Thank you all <3


Thank you for sharing and I'm glad you got it working!