Warning: GHCi | ghc-9.6.1.exe: Network.Socket.recvBuf: invalid argument

Hello, absolute newbie here. I´ve tried to install Tidal several times following the Chocolatey process in Windows 10 and all the time I get the same output in vs studio:

Warning: GHCi | ghc-9.6.1.exe: Network.Socket.recvBuf: invalid argument

Consequently, no sound is produced. as shown in the image, Dirt-Samples are correctly linked and I can hear them by clicking on them.

I haven´t found this issue in the forum. Could someone help me?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @J_S , have you started supercollider and superdirt?

Oh, what a dumb mistake... the urge to start creating music overcame the obligatory reading of the documentation. Thanks for the reply and thanks for your work on this amazing software @yaxu . I just discovered it and I think it's going to give me some good creative times. :headphones:

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