Bliemy, it's week 8 already.. Lets do some time travel with <~
and ~>
-- Lets start with a rhythm:
d1 $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2"
-- That's repeating nicely. Keep it running, then run this:
d1 $ 0.25 <~ (n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2")
-- If you switch between them, you can hear the pattern is shifting in
-- time. The `0.25` means it's shifting by a quarter of a cycle.
-- You only hear any difference between them at the point where you
-- switch to the other one. You're jumping forward / backward in time,
-- but once you're there, nothing has changed. (!)
-- Ok, time travel is difficult to talk about.
-- Lets visualise this, compare these two:
drawLine "a b c d"
drawLine $ 0.25 <~ "a b c d"
-- You can see the a b c d sequence is the same, but in the latter
-- case, the cycle begins on the 'b'.
-- So '<~' has moved us _forward_ into the future. So shouldn't it be
-- '~>', rather than '<~'?? Well, we might have moved into the future,
-- but it's all relative - from the perspective of the pattern, it's
-- moved backwards into the past. Furthermore, while we like to think
-- about us moving forwards into the future, from the perspective of
-- the future, it's moving backwards into the past. Furthermore
-- different human cultures think about time in different ways.
-- Anyway, '~>' does indeed exist, compare these two:
drawLine $ 0.25 <~ "a b c d"
drawLine $ 0.25 ~> "a b c d"
-- Time is most interesting if you keep jumping around
-- For example jump every 3 cycles:
d1 $ every 3 (0.25 <~) $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2"
# crush 4
-- Jumping in the other direction has quite a different feel:
d1 $ every 3 (0.25 ~>) $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2"
# crush 4
-- You can also use a pattern for the time shift amount:
d1 $ "<0 0.25 0.75>" ~>
(n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2" # crush 4)
-- Even with this straightforward shifting, things quickly start
-- sounding 'random', until your ears lock on to the longer loop..
-- SIDETRACK - a note on syntax..
-- Unfortunately this use of the dollar *doesn't work*:
d1 $ "<0 0.25 0.75>" ~> $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4
-- This is because like all operators, you can't use a dollar to group
-- together a pattern to send to `~>` in this way. haskell gets
-- confused about seeing two operators ('$' and '~>') next to each
-- other.
-- So you have to use parenthesis:
d1 $ "<0 0.25 0.75>" ~> (n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4)
-- Or another way around this is to wrap the *operator* in
-- parenthesis, then you can use it like a normal function:
d1 $ (~>) "<0 0.25 0.75>" $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4
-- Or wrap the first input and the operator in parenthesis:
d1 $ ("<0 0.25 0.75>" ~>) $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4
-- This all works nicely with chopped-up loops:
d1 $ every 2 ("e" <~) $ every 3 (0.25 <~) $
loopAt 1 $ chop 8 $ sound "break:8"