More practice for me in advance of the course - I did a stream for an event in NYC last night, exploring bite, chew, slice and splice.. It was a taster rather than going through everything, but motivational maybe as a glimpse the kind of thing we'll be doing a bit later in the course.
Really enjoyed that, thanks - the editor looks great, and I instantly love # shape 0.3
That was wonderful. It resonates a lot with how I learn things like this: focus on one or a few functions and make stuff with 'em until you can call on them a bit more freely/expressively. That performance was lovely, too.
awesomeeeee! thanks so much, I never tried those functions before. Also, we are listening to the “Everybody’s got to learn sometime” n___n
I love it !
6 posts were split to a new topic: Getting experimental FeedForward editor to work
sorry thats what i meant alt-enter (option-return) seems to not work for me (on mac)
i tried pretty much anything i could think about but nothing seems to evaluate
also i can’t delete what i have been typing, the delete key will just add a " ^? "
How can I get my atom to be like yours?
Loved the performance, it was inspiring for sure.