There are some hacks for a similar workflow at SuperDirt/hacks at master · musikinformatik/SuperDirt · GitHub
Now, this is mostly SuperCollider Code, which I am used to because I started with SC a while before Tidal. But this file is a start. It basically allows you to route multiple Tidal orbits to one or more orbits that are FX only.
The only issue that I have with this process is that you always get both the clean sound from say a d1 and the FX orbit which may be d7. There is not currently a DAW like pre or post send mix. However, it can be used to create stems of all your channels, if you record from SuperCollider into a multi-channel WAV, if you set the number of channels to record to what you are doing, then mix them. But doesn't work very well if playing live, as again, there are no controls for the amount of mix. I use Ableton and Bitwig (or used to), which allow you to take one instrument (which would be the equivalent of d1) and route it and others to a bus (say d7) but also not only allow you to say how much of the original gets sent but to also at least mute the source but still hear the FX bus.
As far as I've seen, this is where SC and Tidal add some complication without some really severe coding that seems unwieldy. I'm looking for this as well. But the SC hack works for a start. Just evaluate it and the your FX tidal file and you can route any instrument channel to it.
I just have this open in whatever SC editor and evaluate first:
var busses = ~dirt.orbits.collect { |x| x.dryBus };
SynthDef(\readorb, { |out, amp = 1, n = 0, obus = 0 | // number
var bus, sound;
bus =, busses);
sound =, ~dirt.numChannels);
//sound =, 0.2, 0.03, 1);,
sound * (amp * 2.5);
Then something like this for FX in a tidal file I keep separate:
d7 $ s "[readorb:0, readorb:2, readorb:1, readorb:4]"
# room (cF 0.5 "13") #sz (cF 0.5 "29")
# gain (cF 0.5 "82")
d7 silence
$ jux rev
$ s "[readorb:0, readorb:2, readorb:3]"
# delay 0.5 # delayfb 0.8 # delayt (sine * 2)
# crush (cF 1 "19")
-- # squiz (cF 20 "35")
# gain (cF 0.5 "83")
d8 silence
Works pretty well, other than the above issue, but you can even use MIDI controller as I have here to control the amount and parameters of the FX.