Dirt samples

Can I completely replace the dirt sample w/ custom ones w/ the exception of a few that i want to keep for testing sound, or will that cause issues?

Use all, or none - it's up to you

The bigger questions:

  1. why do you want to remove them?
    If it's a RAM usage issue, then you may want to look here:
    Superdirt lazy samples loading

  2. how you plan to remove them -
    So long as disk space is not an issue, I recommend doing it via the supercollider startup.scd - commenting out the default samples line.
    If you just delete the files, you'll likely run into issues when you want to upgrade the superdirt quark down the track


actually both are an issue as i'm on an older computer, so might do the later i guess?

You should do both -


I should clarify, do step 1 first, because that requires that your superdirt dir is "pristine", once you've got it all set up on the developer branch and working with the lazy loading setting, then delete the superdirt samples in the folder

hello @cleary
i'm trying to implement Superdirt lazy samples loading but i get this error

ERROR: Message 'doNotReadYet_' not understood.
Instance of SuperDirt {    (000001FE6E4833B8, gc=AC, fmt=00, flg=00, set=05)
  instance variables [18]
    numChannels : Integer 2
    server : instance of Server (000001FE6DCCF8C8, size=30, set=5)
    soundLibrary : instance of DirtSoundLibrary (000001FE6E4C5358, size=9, set=4)
    vowels : instance of Event (000001FE71926928, size=5, set=3)
    orbits : nil
    modules : instance of Array (000001FE6FF0F658, size=34, set=6)
    audioRoutingBusses : instance of Array (000001FE721E7448, size=16, set=4)
    controlBusses : instance of Array (000001FE71FA6398, size=128, set=7)
    port : nil
    senderAddr : nil
    replyAddr : nil
    netResponders : nil
    receiveAction : nil
    warnOutOfOrbit : true
    maxLatency : Integer 42
    dropWhen : false
    numRoutingBusses : Integer 16
    numControlBusses : Integer 128
PATH: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\SuperCollider\startup.scd

	Meta_MethodError:new	000001FE6B278F00
		arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
		arg what = nil
		arg receiver = a SuperDirt
	Meta_DoesNotUnderstandError:new	000001FE6B27B240
		arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
		arg receiver = a SuperDirt
		arg selector = doNotReadYet_
		arg args = [ true ]
	Object:doesNotUnderstand	000001FE718CCC40
		arg this = a SuperDirt
		arg selector = doNotReadYet_
		arg args = nil
	a FunctionDef	000001FE70D15458
		sourceCode = "{
		~dirt = SuperDirt(2, s); // two output channels, increase if you want to pan across more channels
		~dirt.doNotReadYet = true; // lazy samples loading
		~dirt.loadSoundFiles;   // load samples (path containing a wildcard can be passed in)
		// for example: ~dirt.loadSoundFiles(\"/Users/myUserName/Dirt/samples/*\");
		// s.sync; // optionally: wait for samples to be read
		~dirt.start(57120, 0 ! 12);   // start listening on port 57120, create two busses each sending audio to channel 0

	Routine:prStart	000001FE6D98E5C0
		arg this = a Routine
		arg inval = 162.8193165

		arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
	< closed FunctionDef >
		arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
		arg this = 0
		arg endval = 4
		arg stepval = 2
		arg function = <instance of Function>
		var i = 4
		var j = 2
		arg this = [*6]
		arg function = <instance of Function>
		arg this = <instance of Scheduler>
		arg newSeconds = 166.8515549
		arg this = <instance of Meta_AppClock>
		var saveClock = <instance of Meta_SystemClock>
		arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ ERROR: Message 'doNotReadYet_' not understood.
RECEIVER: a SuperDirt

I think it may be because of my superdirt sample dir is not "pristine" as you recommend (i deleted some of the original folders/files for saving space, total noob btw)

How can i fix this?

Thank you

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