Sample names with emojis?

I had this idea of using emojis as the sample name. The goal would be to have something like this:

d1 $ s "😀"

With a sample in a folder called ":grinning:", but obviously it won't work because the symbol has a backslash so it's expecting a special symbol. Is there a way to get around this?

I have a hint from @diegodorado's website.

emoji x = sound (fromString $ concatMap (\c) ->
   if c == '💚' then s "bd:6"
   else if c == '✊' then s "sn:4"
   else if c == '😬' then s "dr"
   else if c == '😎' then s "dr:1"
   else if c == '👄' then s "feel:1"
   else if c == '💋' then s "kiss:2"
   else if c == '😘' then s "kiss"
   else if c == '😸' then s "cat"

d1 $ emoji "💚(3,8) ✊*2"

But it gives me this error message:

I think the function isn't quite right, for me what works is something like:

emoji :: String -> ControlPattern
emoji x = sound (parseBP_E $ concatMap (\c ->
   if c == '💚' then "bd:6"
   else if c == '✊' then "sn:4"
   else if c == '😬' then "dr"
   else if c == '😎' then "dr:1"
   else if c == '👄' then "feel:1"
   else if c == '💋' then "kiss:2"
   else if c == '😘' then "kiss"
   else if c == '😸' then "cat" else [c]
   ) x)