Hi Yaxu,
Thanks so much for trying to help me figure this out! Also, thanks for upping my trust level - that'll make describing my problem so much easier!
Sorry about those screenshots! I know it looks like I've sent messages to the wrong port number, but I was going back and forth between applications and trying different number to see if I would have any success; by the time I wrote the initial forum post I just took a bunch of quick screenshots to get those error messages and didn't bother with changing the numbers... Lol
And yes, I'd like to send the osc request to superdirt as well as the visualizer. So I suppose here I'm trying to send osc data to another target similar to this post
When I add the osc-forwarding code to the BootTidal.hs file I get the following error:
(you'll see an image of the BootTidal.hs file next to the .tidal file in atom)
Here's the code I added in the BootTidal.hs file - just in case it's a bite easier to read here:
let target =
Target {oName = "visualiser", -- A friendly name for the target (only used in error messages)
oAddress = "localhost", -- The target's network address, normally "localhost"
oPort = 5050, -- The network port the target is listening on
oLatency = 0.2, -- Additional delay, to smooth out network jitter/get things in sync
oSchedule = Live, -- The scheduling method - see below
oWindow = Nothing, -- Not yet used
oHandshake = False, -- SuperDirt specific
oBusPort = Nothing -- Also SuperDirt specific
oscplay = OSC "/play" $ ArgList [("s", Nothing),
("vowel", Just $ VS "a"),
("pan", Just $ VF 0.5),
("volume", Just $ VF 1),
("cut", Just $ VI 1),
("intensity", Just $ VI 0)
intensity = pF "intensity"
let oscmap = [(target, [oscplay]),
(superdirtTarget, [superdirtShape])
stream <- startStream defaultConfig oscmap
d = streamReplace stream
d 1 $ s "bd"
And thanks fort the tip regarding moving the BootTidal file. I've kept it in the same place for now because I'm terrified if I move it I'll break Tidal... Lol but I'm glad I have the option!
Thanks Again