The "pulsar/atom plugin" thread

And I have another question: Does the tidal-listener mean, that you could theoretically listen to the current cps and when the next cycle starts? Could be interesting for synchronizing with i.e. automatic code execution.

that's because in tidal-listener there's no need to specify the "connection", so your pattern can be simply:
s "bd"

Here you can read some discussions about.

And yes, there are some things that can be done with the listener, here are the current specifications, but something is still missing (e.g. hush): Home · tidalcycles/tidal-listener Wiki · GitHub


Now I got it! And I can say that this works under macOS too! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for all your work on the Atom plugin. I'm wondering what the general consensus is on using tidal-listener? I just got tidal-listener running on Windows and maybe it's Atom on Windows but the stand-alone cabal integration seems in better shape. A few things I noticed:

  • No shift-enter, everything is treated as a multi-line pattern so need blank lines between everything. Ok, a good habit to get into anyway
  • All patterns are sent every time *-enter is pressed, not just the pattern you're editing. No beginning to edit a pattern then make a quick change to another one and go back to the other to finish editing.
  • No hush. Need to replace the individual lines with silence. Maybe a BootTidal problem as xfade doesn't work either. I don't have a custom BootTidal.hs so normally just let tidal use it's own. Specifying the path to one in settings doesn't make it work though.


Yes you're right, there are some things missing.
Don't know what's the road that tidal will follow, so I just implemented some simple features, but It seems like all the "tidal-listener" affaire is in a steady state.

In the meantime you could open those proposals as issues on GitHub so we will implement those.

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Yes, please open issues on the main tidal repository:

as we're probably moving the whole of tidal-listener into that repo.

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Thanks for the nice work on the eval functions. I have found that reordering the tab statement in osc-loader.js works a bit better for me. Switch the tab and then trigger on row/column. Also, I added a test for zero to disable tab selection for value 0. Makes it a bit easier to attach a controller:

          if (resultDict['tab'] !== undefined && resultDict['tab'] > 0) {
            if (resultDict['row'] && resultDict['column']) {
                this.editors.goTo(resultDict['row'] - 1, resultDict['column'])
            // if (resultDict['tab'] !== undefined) {
            //     atom.workspace.getPanes()[0].setActiveItem(atom.workspace.getTextEditors() 
            // }

Would you like to open a pull request for this?

Yes, I think so, but I am totally new at working in an open source project. So I need to read up a bit on the proper way to interact so I don't want to muck up the works.

Also, have a related question. I have written some arpeggiator code which I want to try integrating in a fork of tidal. I managed to do a cabal build and install, but cannot figure out how to get the atom editor to recognize the forked installation. Could you tell me what the best way to get atom to recognize the forked version is? Thanks!

There are a lot of how-to about creating a PR, you can take a look at it:

Maybe you could start opening an issue explaining why do you need to introduce such a modification.

Regarding the tidal version, after a cabal install that should become the version used by atom, since atom doesn't load tidal, but it opens ghci, and is ghci that loads tidal through the code written into the boottidal file

I find that reinstalling libraries with cabal doesn't work well, unless you use the 'old style' commands. So if you have problems, try cabal v1-install from within your tidal folder. If it still isn't working, under unix (e.g. mac and linux) systems you can start from a 'blank slate' with haskell libraries by removing the .ghc and .cabal files from your home folder. (I'm not sure how to do this under windows.)

Github announced on 8th June that they're "sunsetting" atom

I'm guessing this means the end of the tidal atom plugin? What should we use now?

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There was a brief discord discussion on this, the original atom founder has started a new project which looks very promising:

There's an issue here with some discussion: Github is sunsetting Atom · Issue #920 · tidalcycles/Tidal · GitHub

Personally I would go with a self implemented solution: there is the tidal-gui project from which knowledge can be drawn and also the work done on strudel can be used too.
We have 6 months to do so, let's see, in any case there's the parachute choice that's vscode.


Hey, seems like there's a community behind an atom fork: Atom Community (atomic) · GitHub

Discord server: atom-community

Surprise, another fork popped out: pulsar-edit · GitHub

Seems like atom-community aims to port all the current atom features in a stable way, while the pulsar intent is bring it to a next level.
More info on the why for this fork: Atom, community, and Pulsar – Maurício Szabo

Let's see how these will evolve


Little update: I started working on it, I'm stuck with a keybinding issue but I'm in contact with the pulsar community:


Little update: I started working on it

This is such a relieving bit of news, I was still mourning the loss of the Atom plugin -- slowly moving to vim-tidal, but I prefer the look (and flashes) of @ndr_brt's work on this. I was also preparing a tidal-listener-based visual setup for performances that was cut short by the sunset announcement.

Just to say, your work is immensely appreciated, and I'd be happy to help test or support the efforts in whatever way.


Great to hear! We created a #pulsar channel on tidal discord where we can discuss easily, then I would report here the updates.

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We now have a Pulsar page in the Tidalcycles documentation in the "Get a Text Editor" section: Pulsar | Tidal Cycles

It includes instructions for manual installation of the Tidalcycles package, as the package manager capability is not ready yet. Note that Pulsar is not "fully released" yet but the dev/beta releases work well. At the Pulsar site, Downloads are now easier and a Pulsar Documentation page has been added.

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