A huge collection of Drum Machines for SuperDirt and Tidal
List of drum machines
See the full list of drum machines here.
How to use
Run the custom SuperCollider bootup found in tdm-sc-boot.scd, or add the necessary parts to your own bootup. Then run the haskell/tidal code found in tdm-hs-setup.tidal, or just copy and paste it from here:
let drumMachine name ps = stack
(map (\ x ->
(# s (name ++| (extractS "s" (x)))) $ x
) ps)
drumFrom name drum = s (name ++| drum)
drumM = drumMachine
drumF = drumFrom
Here are some examples of how to use the drum machines:
d1 $ drumMachine "bossdr220" [
s "[~perc]*2" # note 7
,s "bd:4(3,8)"
,s "~[cp,sd]"
,s "hh*8"
The drum machine can be pattern'd:
d1 $ drumMachine "<bossdr220 rolandtr808>" [
s "[~perc]*2" # note 7
,s "bd:4(3,8)"
,s "~[cp,sd]"
,s "hh*8"
You can also just call one percussive element:
d1 $ drumFrom "linn9000" "bd*2"
This method could be useful for live performance:
let dm = "linn9000"
d1 $ drumFrom dm "bd*2"
Drum names abbreviations:
Drum | Abbreviation |
Bass drum, Kick drum | bd |
Snare drum | sd |
Rimshot | rim |
Clap | cp |
Closed hi-hat | hh |
Open hi-hat | oh |
Crash | cr |
Ride | rd |
Shakers (and maracas, cabasas, etc) | sh |
High tom | ht |
Medium tom | mt |
Low tom | lt |
Cowbell | cb |
Tambourine | tb |
Other percussions | perc |
Miscellaneous samples | misc |
Effects | fx |
Repost from the repo's readme: