Could not find module ‘Sound.Tidal.Context’

Have been using Tidal for years but tried to install something from a third party and now getting this return. I know that usually this means tidal isnt installed but in my case i think it's a search direction issue maybe?

I've tried everything so idk!

  • t>: error:
    Could not find module ‘Sound.Tidal.Context’
    It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.

  • more specifically:

  • Choose ghcup default path: /Users/keenanmccracken/.ghcup/bin
    Ghci command: /Users/keenanmccracken/.ghcup/bin/ghci
    Ghc-pkg command: /Users/keenanmccracken/.ghcup/bin/ghc-pkg
    Load BootTidal.hs from /Users/keenanmccracken/.atom/packages/tidalcycles/lib/BootTidal.hs
    t>: error:
    Could not find module ‘Sound.Tidal.Context’
    It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.

Fixed in the chat, the answer was:

. ~/.ghcup/env
cabal v1-update
cabal v1-install tidal

I followed these steps and am still getting the same kind of error.

no synth or sample named 'kick' could be found.
module 'sound': instrument not found: nil

Maybe I needed to do this from within a particular directory? I tried setting up a connection between Tidal and Max [following this guide] and tidal was working fine right before.

Hi @nmiya.sylvester, the 'kick' sampleset isn't part of the default samples, so it could just be that you don't have those samples. Does e.g. d1 $ sound "bd sn" work?

Yes, bd and sn both work! I had the sampleset that includes kick and all the other sounds working before, though, and I'm not sure what happened. I have them all in the same file as before...

"no synth .. found" is an error produced by Supercollider.

Do you load the sample set at startup? E.g., with a line


in the SC startup file (for me, in $HOME/.config/SuperCollider/startup.scd)

Do you see SC's startup messages? Should contain something like

loading 216 sample banks:

There's more info in this video: Week 1 lesson 2 - Loading sample packs

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It's working again! Thank you yes, I moved stuff around and hadn't thought about it. :see_no_evil:

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