Learning Tidalcycles course
Week 7 - composition Lessons for week 7 of the Learning TidalCycles course Week 4 - waveforms, randomness Lessons for week 4 of the learning tidal course. Week 1 - mini-notation Lessons for week 1 of the learning tidal course. Live streams, discussion, etc A category for sharing live streams, challenges and discussion around the Learning TidalCycles tidal club course Week 2 - effects, time, arithmetic Lessons for week 2 of the learning tidal course. Week 6 - canons, scales, controlling MIDI etc Week 6 of the Learning TidalCycles course Week 5 - notes, chords, arpeggios and Algoraoke Lessons for week 5 of the learning tidal course. Challenges Weekly(ish) challenges for people on the Learning TidalCycles course to try out to refresh their skills and have some fun. Week 3 - every, $, working with longer samples Lessons for week 3 of the learning tidal course. Function of the Week One topic per week, each focussing on a single function, explored in a live stream, reference documentation and discussion. Week 8 - loads of lovely functions Week 8 of the Learning TidalCycles course.