12 April 2020 20:02
Now in reverse order by date! Here's the complete, growing list of lessons for the first four weeks of the course - videos and other material. For weeks 5-8, see here .
Ok here's challenge number one - record two pieces!
Wondering how to record? In supercollider, just click on the numbers on the bottom right.. You should see a menu with 'start recording' and 'stop recording' - that's what you want! The location of the recorded audio file will be printed in the post window.
First, make some patterns at a tempo you like, say setcps 0.8, and record them for 2-3 minutes. They don't have to be complicated, but while you record, tweak some parameters, to give the r…
Continuing from our look at waveforms including random ones , here's the first of a two-parter looking at a wide range of random functions.. Starting with a bit of armchair philosophising about the nature of randomness in algorithmic music.
I made these videos before the worksheet. I've decided that I should really do this the other way around, for a more organised video, so might reshoot it at some point. As ever, let me know what you think! I think I go through things a bit too fast, and at th…
Continuing on from Week 3 lesson 3 - slice and splice , lets round off our week of work with longer samples, to look at a different way of 'beat slicing', using 'chop' and 'striate'.
Here's the video:
[[TidalClub] week 3 lesson 4 - chop and striate]
.. and here's the worksheet:
-- Let's take a nice break:
once $ sound "break:8"
-- We can use 'begin' and 'end' to only play part of the sound, in this
-- case the final quarter of it:
d1 $ sound "break:8*4" # begin 0.75 # end 1
-- W…
Continuing on from Week 3 lesson 2 - cut vs legato ..
Lets look at a way of 'beat slicing' looping samples, using slice and splice:
[[TidalClub] Week 3 lesson 3 - slice and splice]
setcps 0.6
-- Hear it straight
d1 $ splice 8 "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" $ sound "break:4"
-- Now with a more messed-up pattern
d1 $ splice 8 "6 1 [2 3] ~ 4 1 6*2 7" $ sound "break:4"
-- Try changing the cps to hear it at different speeds
-- Try manipulating the pattern of slices
d1 $ splice 8 (fast "1 [0.5 0…
Hi @cycle0 !
Here's the first of three videos sharing techniques for dealing with longer samples, this time looking at the 'cut' and 'legato' control patterns, and the difference between them.
[[TidalClub] week 3, lesson 2 - cut vs legato]
Here's a couple of examples to play with. Note what happens to the 'bev' sample when you hush and there's nothing to 'cut' it..
d1 $ jux rev $ speed "<1 0.5 0.75>(<3 5>,8)" # sound "bev" # cut 1
# room 0.4 # sz 0.9 # gain 1.3
d2 $ jux rev $ s…
Before getting on to working with longer samples, here's something about the every function. It's a nice clear example of how functions work, and gives us the opportunity to start to get a feel for how parenthesis and $ works. I also go through how to add an effect as a function.
I had a lot of problems with corrupted subtitle files which I won't go into.. and only after editing the subtitles noticed that my friend the vertical grey oblong decided to join me in the video. They're not really in …
Here's another video as promised. To tell the truth, I'm super tired at the moment, so despite a couple of takes the video ended up a bit "non-linear", with an explanation of the 'hurry' function dropped in the middle of an exploration of the different ways of combining control patterns of the same type.
For the same reason of tiredness, I haven't managed to put together a worksheet for this tonight, but will get to that tomorrow, and hopefully some reference material with diagrams. Anyway, her…
Ok, time to start exploring some effects! In this video I introduce some of the many effects available with superdirt.. and begin to explain how Tidal goes about combining two or more such patterns into one. We'll return to this later..
If you find that some of the effects don't work for you, then check that you have 'sc3-plugins' properly installed in supercollider.
[[TidalClub] Week 2 lesson 1 - starting out with patterning effects]
-- Tidal has lots of effects we can use to cha…
In which I find out I really can't say the word "mininotation"..
This video is a few things lumped together - a run through the tasks on the last worksheet, how to upgrade tidal, and finally how to use the "Euclidean notation". Use the links below to jump to a particular part.
[[TidalClub] mini-notation week part 3 - exercise answers + euclidean notation]
0:00 - hello
0:27 - run through the tasks from the previous video
8:47 - how to upgrade Tidal
10:34 - how to check the tidal…
Ok lets go deeper into the mini-notation!
Here's a video. I experimented with fitting more things in a 'lesson', making a longer video accordingly.. But I think I was flagging by the end! I put a clarification or two in the subtitles. I also experimented with visualisation, which turned out more helpful at some points than others.. As ever, feedback is warmly invited!
[[TidalClub] Mini-notation week - part 2]
0:12 - recap of the first part * 1:20 - intro
1:45 - 'speeding up' step…
Ok welcome to mini-notation week! Here's the first video and worksheet, exploring sequencing of sounds in Tidal's mini-notation.
Please feel free to let me know what you think about this, and ask all the questions, by hitting reply!
[[TidalClub] Mini notation - part one]
0:00 - intro
1:14 - recap - basic interaction, making and stopping sound
3:03 - mini-notation sequencing
3:15 - the steps more you add, the faster it goes to fit them into a cycle
5:03 - 'sound' and 's' mean the …
Ok so in some parts of the world, it's already 11th April, so the course has officially started! We'd better get on with the next lesson - how to add extra sounds. It's important to do that now, as I've made a pack of extra sound samples for us to use during the course.
Here's the tidal club sample pack for you to download: https://slab.org/tmp/samples-extra.zip
First, save and extract the samples somewhere:
Make a folder somewhere for the course. Maybe call it "tidalclub" on your desktop, o…
Ok I've made another video, and although we're not supposed to start until Saturday there's no point holding this back!
It's aimed at people new to live coding, and goes through the basics of how to interact with Tidal - starting and stopping code and so on.
[[TidalClub] Tidal interaction - starting and stopping patterns]
Look at the video description to jump to different parts, and switch subtitles on if I'm speaking too fast.
Again any questions or feedback about this let me kn…
We're not scheduled to start until 11th April, but as a lot of us are here a week early, lets try to make sure everyone has everything installed, and while we're at it, get to grips with the different parts of a tidal install and how they work together.
Installation instructions are here - have a go at the 'easy' installs first of all. If things don't work out-of-the-box, then feel free to create a new post in the Installation Help category on this forum.
I'm planning on making a quick video t…
Live Sessions and exclusives
Hi @cycle0 , here's a nice exclusive for you - a chat with @hellocatfood aka Antonio about a performance we did a couple of days ago. Antonio also performs with Tidal but for this was livecoding visuals with puredata. It was a nice opportunity to chat about collaboration between a visualist and musician, and what we were getting up to and thinking about during the performance.
As usual, I've edited the subtitles to be (hopefully) accurate.. It might be worth putting them on as I get a bit quiet …
Dear people of @cycle0 ,
I'm going to try out doing the challenge as a live stream, about 10h from now (that is, 9pm GMT+1, click the video to see your local time), you're welcome to join me.. Feel free to ask general tidal-related questions in the stream chat as well.
Ok members of @cycle0 , we've scheduled the first live stream at 9am BST (GMT+1), Saturday 18th April 2020. To find the time in your local timezone, click through to the video and it should give it for you on youtube:
[Tidal Club live #1, with Heavy Lifting]
We'll talk about learning Tidal, some of Lucy's live coding collaborations, and have some time at the end for open q+a!
Sorry if you'll be asleep then in your part of the world, you'll be able to watch the archive, and we'll sc…
Youtube playlist
Here's another video, this one giving a tour of a tidal system. It's quite technical and I'm not sure if it's helpful or not for beginners - feel free to let me know! In my haste I quickly jump over some things, like how to run tidal patterns, that I'll be returning to later and going through properly.
[[TidalClub] Technical tour of a tidal system]
I edited the subtitles again (twice, as I overwrote the first attempt, argh), as that seemed to be useful on the previous video. I thin…
To see weeks 5-8, please see here .
Split this topic
7 May 2020 13:46